EGD 029: Founding Success Through Idle Games with Tim Reiter Co-Founder Kolibri Games
Tim Reiter is one of the co-founders of Kolibri Games, an idle games developer from Berlin Germany. Tim and his co-founders were very focused on figuring out what they wanted to do and found success in a year of founding their company when they still were students in the university.
Topics that we discuss with Time:
- How did you discover the idea of Idle Miner Tycoon?
- You have always been bootstrapping the company. How did you make sure that you hire the right people?
- How did you point your team’s curiosity to the right information, articles, books?
- What advice would you give to someone who is starting their first games company?
Content mentinoned in the episode:
- Everything Is F*cked: A Book About Hope by Mark Manson
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- Listen on Apple iTunes
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